Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Senior White House Advisor: Where The President Was During the Benghazi Attack Is Irrelevant

Obama Aide: 'Irrelevant Fact' Where President Was During Benghazi Attacks -- Weekly Standard

Host Chris Wallace reminds Pfeiffer that Obama didn't really talk with Secretary Clinton, Secretary Panetta, or Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that night. "He was talking to his national security staff," Pfeiffer insists.

Asked about whether the president entered the Situation Room, Pfeiffer says, "I don't remember what room the president was in on that night, and that's a largely irrelevant fact."

Pfeiffer then argues that Wallace's questions about the president's handling of the Benghazi terror attack are "offensive."

UPDATE: Here's a full rush transcript of the exchange:

Read more ....

More News On The White House Responding To The Scandals That Are Now Enveloping Washington

Dan Pfeiffer: Legal questions in IRS scandal ‘irrelevant’ to ‘inexcusable’ actions -- Washington Post
Dan Pfeiffer: IRS Behavior ‘Inexcusable’ Whether or Not Illegal -- ABC News
WH aide clarifies 'irrelevant' comment -- USA Today
Republicans Are Ripping The White House's Dan Pfeiffer For Saying The Legality Of IRS Targeting Is 'Irrelevant' -- Business Insider
White House defends IRS handling, McConnell asserts 'culture of intimidation' -- NBC
White House Aide Chides GOP for 'Fishing Expeditions' -- Wall Street Journal
Adviser on White House scandals: "Partisan fishing expeditions" won't distract Obama -- CBS
CBS' Bob Schieffer unleashes on White House official: 'Why are you here today?' -- Washington Times

My Comment: Been traveling today, and it is only now that I am catching up on the Sunday morning talk shows. Could not believe what I have just watched. Senior Obama aide Dan Pfeiffer goes on the Sunday morning talk shows and says that where the President was during the Benghazi attack is irrelevant and the legality of who the IRS is targeting is also 'irrelevant'.

OK .....

Here is an easy prediction. The White House is not going to permit senior White House aide Dan Pfeiffer to hit the Sunday morning talk shows ever again.

Update: Even the Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward (of Watergate fame) is now ripping into the administration.

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