Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Medics Have Treated Hundreds Of Syrian Rebels For 'Symptoms Of Chemical Exposure'

The battle for Qusair, near Homs, is one of the most crucial. Photograph: Reuters

Syria Medics Treat Hundreds Of Rebels For 'Symptoms Of Chemical Exposure' -- The Guardian

Detailed account of Syria conflict include claims that suggest chemicals and toxic gases have been used on battlefields.

Medics working in six rebel-held districts near Damascus have treated several hundred fighters for symptoms of chemical exposure since March, a detailed investigation has found, adding fresh impetus to claims the Syrian regime has resorted to the banned weapons.

A reporter from the French newspaper Le Monde who spent two months with rebel groups on the edge of the Syrian capital claims to have witnessed chemical attacks and to have seen numerous victims at various stages of exposure.

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My Comment: It appears that the Syrian military is not using chemical weapons to saturate an entire area and kill thousands of people .... instead .... they are using chemical weapons in small amounts against small targets. i.e. a building, a bunker, an intersection, etc..

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