Track List:
01. Apa Yang Terjadi
02. Cinta
03. Empat Mata
04. Tak Seindah Malam Kemarin
05. Dimana Sumpahmu
06. Kumenunggu
07. Buktikan
08. Setia
09. Kangen
10. Suka Sama Kamu
11. Sayang Sayang
12. Dihatiku Ada Namamu
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
D’Bagindas – C.I.N.T.A [Full Album]
Senin, 21 Juni 2010
RSBI Harus Diaudit, juga Dihapuskan
JAKARTA, Elemen masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Koalisi Pendidikan meminta Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional RI menghapuskan proyek Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) karena dinilai semakin mendorong kastanisasi, antidemokrasi, dan bertentangan dengan tujuan pendidikan. Mereka juga menuntut Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) RI untuk mengaudit secara khusus penggunaan dana RSBI yang dikelola Kemendiknas maupun sekolah.
Demikian diungkapkan Ade Irawan dari Divisi Monitoring Pelayanan Publik ICW kepada saat menggelar aksi damai Koalisi Dukung Guru Tolak Diskriminasi di Gedung Balaikota DKI Jakarta, Senin (21/6/2010). Secara konsep, kata Ade, program RSBI bertentangan dengan tujuan pendidikan seperti yang diamanatkan dalam UUD 1945.
"Program RSBI tidak berkontribusi signifikan dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan nasional. Kemendiknas mengabaikan kewajiban konstitusionalnya dalam menyediakan layanan pendidikan murah atau gratis dan berkualitas," ujar Ade.
Dia menambahkan, secara teknis program RSBI juga cenderung dipaksakan. Pelaksanaannya pun dinilainya "amatiran", mulai dari sosialisasi, penentuan sekolah pelaksana RSBI, hingga monitoring dan evaluasi.
Ade menambahkan, selain guru tidak dilibatkan dalam pembuatan keputusan sekolah menjadi RSBI, kualitas guru pun masih buruk, terutama dalam mengajar menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
"Kemendiknas juga mendorong sekolah berlabel RSBI untuk melakukan pungutan kepada orang tua atau calon orang tua murid," tegas Ade.
Sementara itu, menurut Lodi Paat dari Koalisi Pendidikan, berdasarkan temuan studi awal proyek RSBI oleh Koalisi Pendidikan dan ICW yang diungkapkan Minggu (20/6/2010) kemarin, tidak ada aturan untuk mengendalikan pungutan yang dilakukan oleh sekolah. Penggunaan dana RSBI, baik yang dikelola Kemendiknas maupun sekolah, cenderung tertutup dan berorientasi fisik sehingga membuka peluang terjadinya korupsi.
"Kemendiknas harus menghapuskan proyek RSBI ini dan menjalankan kewajiban konstitusionalnya dengan memastikan tidak ada hambatan lagi bagi warga untuk mendapat pelayanan pendidikan berkualitas," ujar Lodi.
Selain itu, kata dia, Kemendiknas juga harus dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pendidikan sehingga mencapai delapan standar pendidikan seperti yang diamanatkan dalam PP 19/2005.
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010
Serius, George Bush Ikut SNMPTN
MAKASSAR, Ini bukan main-main. George Bush ternyata ada di Kalimantan Timur dan Rabu (16/06/2010) pagi, ikut Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2010.
Saya jadi ingat waktu di Unhas, ada juga calon mahasiswa bernama Saddam Husain, mantan Presiden Irak.
Saya jadi ingat waktu di Unhas, ada juga calon mahasiswa bernama Saddam Husain, mantan Presiden Irak.
George Bush ujian di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mulawarman, Kalimantan Timur. Si pengawas ujian, dokter Abdul Mu'ti, semula tidak yakin bahwa peserta ujian adalah George Bush. Dokter tersebut kemudian bertanya kepada calon mahasiswa itu dan ketahuan bahwa George Bush kelahiran tahun 1992. Tahun di mana perang Irak pertama meletus.
"Saya jadi ingat waktu di Unhas, ada juga calon mahasiswa bernama Saddam Husain, mantan Presiden Irak," kata Abdul Mu'ti, alumni Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin
Jerman "Damprat" Israel
BERLIN, - Jerman, Minggu (20/6/2010) mengecam Israel karena mencegah Menteri Pembangunan Dirk Niebel masuk Jalur Gaza untuk menemui pengungsi Palestina dalam kunjungannya terakhir ke wilayah itu.
"Saya percaya bahwa Israel memiliki kebutuhan akan transparansi untuk membuat gagasan yang dapat dipercaya bahwa negara itu telah mengubah strategi politiknya terhadap Gaza, dan kunjungan saya akan menciptakan transparansi itu," kata Niebel pada stasiun televisi umum Jerman.
Niebel ingin mengunjungi wilayah Palestina yang diperintah Hamas itu, Minggu, untuk menemui wakil Badan Bantuan dan Pekerjaan PBB untuk pengungsi Palestina.
Menlu Jerman Guido Werterwelle mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan di Berlin bahwa ia juga "menyesalkan" keputusan pemerintah Israel itu, dan menekankan bahwa Jerman dan Uni Eropa ingin melihat diakhirinya blokade terhadap Gaza. "Jika kami membuka pintu ke Gaza bagi para menteri dari semua negara, Hamas akan menggunakannya untuk mengesahkan dirinya," kata jurubicara kementerian luar negeri Israel, Yigal Palmor, di ARD.
Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon dan kepala kebjakan luar negeri Uni Eropa Catherine Ashton belum lama ini telah mengunjungi Gaza.
Israel mempertahankan blokade itu -- yang diterapkan setelah salah seorang prajuritnya ditangkap oleh gerilyawan-gerilyawan Gaza dalam serangan Juni 2006 dan diperketat setahun kemudian ketika gerakan Islam Hamas mengambilalih pemerintahan di wilayah tersebut -- dibutuhkan untuk menjamin keamanannya.
Niebel, yang adalah wakil presiden asosiasi Jerman-Israel negaranya, mengatakan waktunya hampir habis bagi Israel untuk menjauh dari kebijakan garis keras mengingat protes internasional atas kebijakannya dan upaya yang goyah untuk mencapai perjanjian yang dapat aktif dengan Palestina.
"Bagi Israel, itu lima hingga 12 menit," kata Niebel. Negara itu harus mengambil kesempatan "untuk menghentikan lonceng itu ketika dapat."
"Jika pemerintah Israel menginginkan dukungan bagi strategi barunya di Gaza maka nagara itu harus menjamin lagi transparansi, dan kemitraan baru," katanya. Blokade itu "bukan pertanda kekuatan, tapi bukti cukup dari ketakutan yang tak terucapkan".
Israel Kamis telah menyetujui rencana untuk melonggarkan blokadenya atas Gaza setelah beberapa pekan tekanan internasional, tapi memberikan beberapa perincian mengenai apa barang baru yang akan diperbolehkan masuk.
Keputusan kabinet keamanan itu merupakan tanggapan atas permintaan yang meningkat untuk mengakhiri blokade empat tahun atas wilayah Palestina yang miskin itu menyusul serangan mematikan 31 Mei terhadap konvoi kapal bantuan.
Wakil pemimpin kelompok parlemen dari Demokrat Kristen pimpinan Kanselir Angela Merkel, Andreas Schockenhoff, mengatakan, Israel hanya "merugikan kepentingannya sendiri" dengan tindakan itu dan minta "akses tak terkekang" ke Gaza bagi para tamu dan pejabat internasional.
Niebel telah bertemu dengan presiden Palestina Mahmud Abbas dan perdana menteri Fayyad Salam, Minggu, dan menghadiri upacara untuk menandai dimulainya pembangunan pabrik pemurnian air di Nablus di Tepi Barat.Ia akan menemui para pejabat Israel, Senin dan Selasa.
Jerman dianggap sebagai sekutu terdekat Israel setelah AS karena ikatan kuat yang mereka tempa sebagai akibat dari holokaus. Tapi Berlin telah terus-terang dalam kritikannya terhadap Israel segera setelah serangan kapal bantuan.
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010
Tensions high after ethnic clashes in Kyrgyzstan
(CNN) -- Tensions remained high in Kyrgyzstan early Sunday after two days of ethnic clashes left dozens of people dead and more than 1,000 others injured since fighting broke out Thursday night, state media reported.
Kyrgyzstan's interim government on Saturday worked to quell the upsurge of violence, imposing states of emergency in Osh, where fighting between ethnic Uzbek and Kyrgyz youths led to mass rioting, and in the city of Jalal-Abad in order to keep the unrest from spreading there, it said.
But the measures seemed to be doing little to calm the situation Sunday. Kyrgyz news agency reported that as many as 5,000 youths were gathering in the center of Jalal-Abad early Sunday, demanding transportation to Osh. The news agency reported that the situation in the city "is very strained" with police patrolling the streets and special forces standing guard.
Official Russian TV network Russia Today reported that the interim government has given police permission to shoot to kill rioters on the streets.
Members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) -- comprised of Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan officials -- are set to meet Monday to discuss the crisis, official Russian news agency RIA-Novosti reported.
The Kyrgyz news agency, citing health ministry officials, reported 77 dead in the latest unrest -- 71 killed in Osh and 6 in Jalal-Abad.
Amateur video obtained by CNN appears to show dozens of bloodied bodies lined up along a street in Osh as bystanders rush to cover them. The corpses all appear to be men, one appears to be charred.
Witnesses said the toll is more likely to be in the thousands.
The violence led Uzbekistan to close its border with Kyrgyzstan, according to the deputy chairman of the Kyrgyz border service, reported.
But Russia Today reported that the border remained open for fleeing refugees and RIA-Novosti reported that more than 700 people crossed into Uzbekistan on Saturday.
Extra army and police units were dispatched and a 6 p.m.-to-6 a.m. curfew has been imposed in several districts of southern Kyrgyzstan until June 20, the government said.
The Kyrgyz interim leader, Roza Otunbayeva, has asked for Russian peacekeepers to help end the unrest, the result of interethnic tensions that have been brewing for weeks. The agency reported that the provisional government of Kyrgyzstan "at an emergency meeting decided to declare a partial mobilization."
Otunbayeva, in quotes passed along by the interim government spokesman, said Saturday that the situation has gotten "out of control" and "we need outside military forces to solve the situation."
But President Dmitry Medvedev's spokeswoman said humanitarian aid and not troops are being rushed to the area at present, the Kremlin said.
"This is an internal conflict and Russia does not yet see the conditions for its participating in resolving it," spokeswoman Natalya Timakhova was quoted as saying by the Kremlin press service.
Timakhova said the president intends to evacuate the injured.
A Russian cargo plane carrying six injured Kyrgyz citizens landed in Moscow on Sunday, according to RIA-Novosti. The plane arrived in Bishkek on Saturday to deliver humanitarian aid, the news agency reported, adding that food and medical supply shortages are becoming an issue.
Otunbayeva on Saturday discussed the unrest in a phone call with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and Moscow police have reinforced the security near the Kyrgyz and Uzbek embassies.
Rioters have set fire to a number of businesses and government buildings in Osh, and there was looting and widespread vandalism, Kyrgyz officials said.
The nation's top health official, Dinara Sagynbayeva, said on Friday about "half of those killed and injured have bullet wounds and the other half have injuries apparently made by some hard objects such as clubs, metal rods and rocks" in Osh, the country's second-largest city.
The United States is monitoring developments and is calling for a "rapid restoration of peace and public order in the city of Osh and elsewhere where it appears ethnic violence is occurring," according to a statement released Saturday by the State Department.
"The United States encourages American citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic to be in contact with the U.S. Embassy and be aware of the Embassy's warden messages to ensure their safety in these turbulent times," the statement said.
Untuk Masyarakat MiskinPLN Usulka n Listrik Gratis
JAKARTA, — Direktur Utama PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara Persero (PLN) Dahlan Iskan mengusulkan agar listrik untuk masyarakat miskin digratiskan, sedangkan untuk yang lain disesuaikan tarifnya dengan harga pasar.
"Saya serius. Yang miskin gratis saja, sudah kami cetuskan di DPR kemarin. Pemerintah belum ada tanggapan, dikira saya guyon. Saya serius," katanya dalam acara diskusi TDL yang diselenggarakan Forkem dengan Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian di Pulau Bidadari, Jakarta, Sabtu (12/6/2010).
Dia mengatakan, masyarakat miskin tersebut adalah mereka yang mempunyai listrik 450 kWh yang diperkirakan mencapai 20 juta pelanggan. "Atau kira-kira memiliki lima lampu bolam ditambah dengan TV, radio, VCD, rice cooker bergantian dengan seterika dan kipas angin," katanya.
Dahlan mengatakan, dengan skema rakyat miskin gratis sedangkan untuk masyarakat lainnya membayar sesuai tarif pasar, PLN akan untung.
Dia memperkirakan, untuk menggratiskan masyarakat miskin, pihaknya akan kehilangan pendapatan sekitar Rp 1,5 triliun, sedangkan pendapatan dari masyarakat lainnya yang membayar sesuai tarif akan meningkat Rp 20 triliun.
"Kalau sampai hati, maksudnya di luar masyarakat miskin membayar penuh sesuai pasar bisa Rp 40 triliun," katanya.
Dahlan menambahkan, usul tersebut merupakan usul konkret untuk membela masyarakat miskin. "Karena selama ini yang menolak kenaikan tarif listrik selalu memberikan alasan untuk rakyat miskin, jadi ini usul konkret untuk rakyat miskin," katanya.
Dia mengatakan, selama ini pihaknya selalu merugi dan mendapatkan subsidi karena untuk biaya produksi mencapai Rp 1.200 per kWh, sedangkan harga jual rata-rata hanya Rp 650 per kWh. Kalau kenaikan 10 persen, tetap saja akan merugi dan harus disubsidi pemerintah.
Dengan adanya skema di atas, menurut dia, PLN akan dapat memperoleh keuntungan dan tidak perlu mendapatkan subsidi dari pemerintah.
Meski demikian, dia mengakui hal ini agak sulit dilakukan karena harus menaikkan tarif hingga 100 persen.
Selain itu, dia juga mengusulkan mekanisme subsidi langsung ke rakyat. Jadi, subsidi ke PLN yang mencapai lebih dari Rp 50 triliun tersebut tidak diberikan ke PLN, tetapi langsung ke masyarakat.
"Rakyat membayar sesuai tarif. Ini justru akan lebih mendorong penghematan, jadi bukan perusahaannya yang disubsidi," katanya
Waktunya Non-unggulan Unjuk Gigi
POLOKWANE, — Sejak Piala Dunia 2010 Afrika dimulai, Jumat (11/6/2010), hingga hari ini, sudah lima partai babak penyisihan yang digelar. Namun, belum satu pun pertandingan yang benar-benar membuat mata setia menatap layar kaca.
Padahal, dari segi reputasi, laga-laga itu menampilkan tim-tim yang sudah punya kelas di atas Slovenia dan Aljazair. Mulai dari Afrika Selatan-Meksiko, Uruguay-Perancis, Korea Selatan-Yunani, Argentina-Nigeria, sampai Inggris-Amerika Serikat. semuanya cuma menyajikan keseruan sesaat dan hasil yang jauh dari memuaskan.
Bagaimana tidak, dari lima pertandingan itu, tiga pertandingan berakhir seri. Lantas, bagaimana dengan partai keenam ini?
Jangan keburu menutup sebelah mata. Justru karena tak punya nama besar, keduanya punya gairah untuk mulai mencatatkan nama mereka dalam sejarah Piala Dunia dan itu sudah mereka tunjukkan pada babak kualifikasi.
Aljazair harus merebut tiket putaran final melalui babak kualifikasi, yaitu melawan Mesir. Setengah mati, mereka berhasil menyingkirkan Mesir dengan kemenangan tipis 1-0.
Serupa dengan Aljazair, Slovenia pun masuk putaran final setelah melewati babak play-off, bertemu Rusia. Perjuangan mereka lebih heroik lagi karena laga digelar dalam pertandingan dua leg.
Pada leg pertama di Rusia, mereka kalah 1-2. Namun, di leg kedua mereka mampu menang 1-0 dan berhak atas tiket ke Afrika Selatan karena unggul agresivitas di kandang lawan.
Ujian babak play-off sudah menunjukkan betapa tinggi ambisi keduanya untuk mendapatkan nama di pentas sepak bola dunia. Kini, mereka sudah berada di Afsel dan tentu akan berusaha bertahan selama mungkin di turnamen ini.
Pertandingan keduanya pun menjanjikan keseruan, justru karena mereka belum pernah bertemu sebelumnya. Melihat pertandingan yang melibatkan tim tanpa rekor pertemuan, laga akan berlangsung lambat karena kedua kubu sama-sama menjajaki kekuatan lawan. Namun, tak tertutup kemungkinan, kedua tim akan sama-sama melancarkan serangan cepat demi mencetak gol lebih dulu.
Selain itu, mengingat setelah pertandingan ini mereka akan melawan tim-tim unggulan, seperti Amerika Serikat dan Inggris, maka pertandingan ini kesempatan untuk menang dan menambah dorongan moral. Hasil seri atau kalah cuma akan mempersulit rencana masuk ke putaran kedua.
Tekad untuk bermain menyerang dan maksimal terlihat dari pernyataan gelandang Slovenia, Nejc Pecnik. Menurut dia, Aljazair adalah tim yang bagus dan juga harus dilawan dengan serius bila Slovenia ingin maju ke babak berikut.
"Pelatih kami dan asistennya sudah memperhitungkan mereka. Mereka memainkan sepak bola yang rapi. Kami akan menghormati mereka (dengan tampil maksimal)," kata Pecnik.
Sementara itu, bek Aljazair, Madjid Bougherra, mengaku mulai merasakan tekanan Piala Dunia. Namun, menurut dia, itu malah meningkatkan gairah dan semangat tim untuk melanjutkan mimpi mereka.
"Aku mulai merasakan tekanan. Ini adalah mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan ketika kami lolos ke putaran final. Sekarang, kami jauh lebih siap untuk tampil dengan baik," tandasnya.
Meski begitu, di atas kertas, Slovenia punya peluang menang lebih baik. Rekaman pertandingan menunjukkan Aljazair cuma membukukan satu kemenangan dan empat kekalahan dalam lima laga terakhir. Bandingkan dengan Slovenia yang mencatatkan empat kemenangan dan satu kekalahan dalam lima laga terakhir.
Data & Fakta Pertandingan
Stadion Peter Mokaba, Polokwane, Minggu (13/6/2010)
Siaran langsung GlobalTV, Minggu pukul 18.30 WIB
Perkiraan susunan pemain:
Aljazair (4-4-1-1): Gaouaoui; Halliche, Yahia, Bougherra, Belhadj,Guedioura, Yebda, Matmour, Lacen; Ziani; Saifi
Slovenia (4-4-2): S Handanovic; Ilic, Cesar, Brecko, Suler; Koren, Krhin, Radosavljevic, Birsa, Novakovic, Dedic
Rekaman laga terakhir Aljazair
05-06-2010: Aljazair 1-0 Uni Emirat Arab (Persahabatan)
28-05-2010: Aljazair 0-3 Irlandia (Persahabatan)
03-03-2010: Aljazair 0-3 Serbia (Persahabatan)
30-01-2010: Aljazair 0-1 Nigeria (Piala Afrika)
28-01-2010: Aljazair 0-4 Mesir (Piala Afrika)
Rekaman laga terakhir Slovenia
04-06-2010: Slovenia 3-1 Selandia Baru (Persahabatan)
03-03-2010: Slovenia 4-1 Qatar (Persahabatan)
18-11-2009: Slovenia 1-0 Rusia (play-off Piala Dunia)
14-11-2009: Slovenia 1-2 Rusia (play-off Piala Dunia)
14-10-2009: Slovenia 3-0 San Marino (kualifikasi Piala Dunia)
Jumat, 11 Juni 2010
Hosts denied by Marquez equalizer in World Cup opener
(CNN) -- Mexico's Rafael Marquez denied hosts South Africa victory in the opening match of the 2010 World Cup with a late equalizer in a 1-1 draw in Johannesburg.
Siphiwe Tshabalala's unstoppable 55th minute strike had given South Africa the lead but Barcelona's Marquez netted from close range with 11 minutes remaining of the Group A opener.
There was still time for South African striker Katlego Mphela to outpace two defenders but his left footed shot from an angle hit the post in the very last minute.
Grieving Mandela misses World Cup opening ceremony
Grieving Mandela misses World Cup opening ceremony
The draw extended South Africa's unbeaten run under coach Carlos Alberto Parreira to 13 games but after Tshabalala's goal they had looked set for three points.
The Kaizer Chiefs star was put clear on the left and his shot on the run whistled into the top corner of the net to leave Mexican goalkeeper Oscar Perez clutching thin air.
It was the goal to grace a final let alone the opening match of South Africa 2010 and sent the 94,000 crowd in Soccer City, indeed a whole nation, into a delirious frenzy.
Mexico, who had the better of the first half, almost hit back immediately and the second stunning stop of the match from home goalkeeper Itumeleng Khune preserved South Africa's lead.
Khune had earlier saved Franco's close range effort and was called into action again to tip away a shot from Giovani Dos Santos which was headed for the top corner of the net.
Mexico also had the ball in the net in the first half, but the effort from Arsenal's Carlos Vela was correctly ruled out for offside.
But South Africa were the better side after the break and might have secured a two-goal cushion had Teko Modise not shot weakly at Perez when sent clear.
They were made to pay as slack marking from a cross left Marquez with the opportunity to control smartly and power his shot past Khune.
Parreira said the draw was a fair result after his side's shaky start.
"But I believe we were more balanced in the second half and could have won the game."
France and Uruguay played to a goalless draw in the later Group A match in Cape Town, leaving the hosts top of the group after the first round of games.
Mabes Polri: Cut Tari Pamit Absen Pemeriksaan Lewat Ariel
Jakarta - Cut Tari tidak memenuhi panggilan pemeriksaan Mabes Polri terkait beredarnya video porno yang mirip dirinya dan Ariel 'Peterpan'. Permohonan absen Cut Tari itu disampaikan oleh Ariel sendiri.
"Setelah Cut Tari tidak datang, saya lihat tidak ada pemanggilan kedua. Saya intrepretasikan Ariel yang mempamitkannya," kata Wakadiv Humas Polri, Brigjen Pol Zainuri Lubis saat dihubungi detikcom, Sabtu (12/6/2010).
Jika tidak mendapat kabar tentang alasan absennya Cut Tari, kata Zainuri, polisi pasti sudah melayangkan pemanggilan kedua. "Nah, ini (pemanggilan kedua) tidak ada," ujarnya.
Ia menambahkan, Ariel, Luna Maya dan Cut Tari akan diperiksa secara bersama pada Senin 14 Juni mendatang.
"Dari hasil komunikasi mereka akan datang bersama-sama," ujarnya.
Dana Aspirasi bak Robin Hood Kesiangan
MALANG, - Pengamat politik Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Prof Dr Mas’ud Said menilai dana aspirasi yang diusulkan Fraksi Partai Golkar di DPR RI seperti "Robin Hood" kesiangan.
"Usulan dana aspiratif untuk daerah pemilihan (dapil) sebesar Rp 15 miliar per anggota itu benar-benar tidak masuk akal. Bahkan seperti Robin Hood kesiangan," kata guru besar bidang Ilmu Pemerintahan itu di Malang, Sabtu (12/6/2010).
Menurut dia, lembaga legislatif (DPR) memiliki tiga fungsi pokok, yakni penganggaran, pengawasan, dan legislasi. Kalau DPR sampai mengusulkan anggaran seperti itu, fungsinya tidak ada bedanya dengan eksekutif.
"Anggota DPR yang mengusulkan anggaran cukup besar dan tidak masuk akal tersebut akan menjadikan para wakil rakyat sebagai koruptor terselubung yang ’mengisap’ Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN)," katanya.
Dosen FISIP UMM itu mengakui dana reses dan jaring aspirasi masyarakat memang sudah dianggarkan dalam APBN yang masuk pos DPR RI dan hal itu masih wajar, namun kalau masih ada usulan lagi yang nilainya lebih ’gila’ lagi, maka hal itu keterlaluan.
"Siapa pun pasti tidak akan menyetujui atau menolak usulan yang tidak masuk akal tersebut. Mungkin tujuannya positif dan bagus untuk kemajuan konstituen, namun nilainya itu yang kebablasan," tegas Mas’ud.
Selain itu, lanjutnya, penganggaran tetap harus dilakukan sesuai sistem yang sudah ada dan sesuai Undang-undang serta konvensi yang sudah berjalan dengan baik.
"Selama ini, proses penganggaran sudah berjalan sesuai ketentuan dan sistem yang ada, masak akan ’dikacaukan’ lagi. Jujur, saya juga sependapat kalau usulan Fraksi Partai Golkar itu ditolak," tegas Direktur ACICIS UMM tersebut.
Sebelumnya usulan Fraksi Partai Golkar DPR RI itu juga banyak mendapat penolakan, bahkan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) secara halus juga menolak usulan tersebut.
Rabu, 09 Juni 2010
Gosip Video Porno, Ariel Diminta Tunjukan Kejantanannya
Gosip Video Porno, Ariel Diminta Tunjukan Kejantanannya
Jakarta Sejak video porno mirip dirinya beredar, Ariel terus menghindari publik. Demi masa depan karirnya, Ariel diminta untuk menunjukan kejantanannya.
"Seharusnya masalah ini diselesaikan secara laki-laki. Ariel harus berani keluar untuk menghadapi media," ujar pengamat musik Bens Leo ketika berbincang dengan detikhot via ponselnya, Kamis (10/6/2010).
Apa dilakukan Cut Tari dinilai Bens sangatlah tepat. Aksi bicara mantan presenter 'Insert' itu menunjukan Tari tidak merasa bersalah dan berani bicara.
Begitu pun dengan Ariel. Jika ia merasa tidak bersalah sebaiknya Ariel segera keluar dari persembunyian. Masalah semakin meruncing ketika beredar isu masih ada video seks pria mirip Ariel dengan perempuan selain Luna Maya dan Tari.
"Walaupun dia terus menerus menghindar, mau tidak mau persoalan akan masih terus berlanjut, dan imbasnya ke dia nanti juga akan sama. Jadi sebaiknya dia mengklarifikasikan masalah ini secepatnya," tutur Bens.
Ical Komitmen Golkar Tetap di Setgab
Ical Komitmen Golkar Tetap di Setgab
JAKARTA, — Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Aburizal "Ical" Bakrie yang juga Ketua Harian Sekretariat Gabungan (Setgab) Partai Politik Pendukung Pemerintah mengatakan bahwa Golkar tetap berkomitmen berada di Setgab hingga 2014.
Terkait adanya ancaman bahwa Partai Golkar akan keluar dari Setgab, kata Ical, hal tersebut hanya sikap individu alias tidak mewakili sikap partai. Hal ini disampaikan Sekretaris Setgab, Syarief Hasan, kepada para wartawan, Kamis (10/6/2010) di Kantor Presiden, Jakarta.
"Saya baru saja berkomunikasi dengan Pak Ical. Pak Ical bilang itu kan hanya sikap individu saja," ujar Syarief.
Syarief sendiri mengatakan, dia yakin Golkar tidak akan keluar dari Setgab. "Tidak mungkin keluar. Kami kan sudah sepakat berkoalisi hingga 2014. Setgab kan manifestasi dari koalisi," ujarnya.
Seperti diwartakan, ancaman tersebut disampaikan Ketua DPP Partai Golkar Yamin Tawari. Yamin mengatakan, Partai Golkar merasa ditinggalkan anggota Setgab yang sedianya mendukung dana aspirasi. "Jadi, apakah masih perlu Golkar ada di Setgab?" kata Yamin.
Soal pernyataan Yamin tersebut, Syarief tidak mengambil pusing. "Itu dinamika politik. Apa yang hendak diperjuangkan teman-teman fraksi sebenarnya sudah dilakukan pemerintah saat ini," katanya.
Cut Tari Resmi Dipecat 'Insert'
Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Vivi, Produser dari acara Insert. Menurutnya keputusan untuk tidak lagi memakai Cut Tari sebagai host acara itu diambil setelah perundingan dari pihak manajemen Insert yang dilakukan malam ini.
"Iya, Tari sudah tidak di Insert lagi," ujar Vivi saat berbincang dengan detikhot via telepon, Rabu (9/6/2010).
Vivi menambahkan, keputusan untuk memecat istri dari Johannes Yusuf Subrata itu memang dilatarbelakangi oleh berita seputar beredarnya video porno mirip Ariel dan Cut Tari.
"iya, itu salah satunya (gosip video porno)," jelasnya.(ich/iy)
Jakarta Sudah beberapa hari ini, Cut Tari absen membawakan acara infotainment Insert. Pihak Insert pun sempat mengungkapkan presenter yang kini tersandung skandal video porno itu memang meminta izin hingga akhir Juni. Namun malam ini sudah diputuskan kalau Cut Tari sudah dipecat dari acara tersebut.
Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Vivi, Produser dari acara Insert. Menurutnya keputusan untuk tidak lagi memakai Cut Tari sebagai host acara itu diambil setelah perundingan dari pihak manajemen Insert yang dilakukan malam ini.
"Iya, Tari sudah tidak di Insert lagi," ujar Vivi saat berbincang dengan detikhot via telepon, Rabu (9/6/2010).
Vivi menambahkan, keputusan untuk memecat istri dari Johannes Yusuf Subrata itu memang dilatarbelakangi oleh berita seputar beredarnya video porno mirip Ariel dan Cut Tari.
"iya, itu salah satunya (gosip video porno)," jelasnya.(ich/iy)
When worlds collide: Soccer vs. politics
London, England (CNN) -- "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death... I assure you it is much, much more important than that."
As Bill Shankly, the legendary former manager of English club Liverpool, pointed out shortly before he passed away in 1981, the significance of the beautiful game can never be underestimated -- and that doesn't just apply to fans of the sport, either.
Soccer can affect lives on a national and international scale, inspiring revolutions and causing wars as well as having the capability to create peace and lift entire nations.
The "Football War" between Honduras and El Salvador in 1969 is perhaps the most famous example of the sport's wider implications. The two Central American nations famously came to blows following their qualification match for the 1970 World Cup.
Pedro Pinto's World Cup predictions
But this wasn't the first time, and definitely won't be the last, that the worlds of football and politics collide with remarkable results.
1. Mussolini manipulates the "man in black," 1934
"Il Duce" was determined to use this World Cup on home soil to showcase his fascist Italy. Mussolini had his own trophy created for the event -- the Coppa Del Duce -- which was six times the size of the Jules Rimet, and to this day allegations remain the tournament was fixed so that only Italy would collect it.
According to the BBC's "World Cup Stories" book by Chris Hunt, there were suggestions that the Italian dictator himself picked the referees. In the semifinal against Austria, Mussolini's Azzurri team won 2-1, but after the game their opponents complained the game was fixed.
The World Cup's missing men
"The referee even played for them," said Austrian striker Josef Bican. "When I passed for the ball out to the right wing, one of our players, Cicek, ran for it and the referee headed it back to the Italians. It was unbelievable."
2. Austrian star humiliates Nazis, 1938
Austria had one of the game's greatest sides in the 1930s, but when the Nazis annexed their neighbors, the nation's "Wunderteam" were forced to withdraw from the World Cup and merge with Germany.
Star striker Matthias Sindelar so opposed his nation's loss of independence that he refused to play for Germany. He pleaded old age, but Germany's manager Sepp Herberger would later recall: "I almost had the impression that discomfort and rejection, linked to the political developments, had prompted his refusal."
Who will be the World Cup's best player?
During a so-called "Reconciliation Game" to mark the merging of the two sides, Sindelar made his feelings quite clear in a 2-0 win for Austria. According to German historian Nils Havemann's book"Fussball unterm Hakenkreuz," the center-forward scored his beloved country's first and then, when the second goal went in, he danced in celebration in front of Nazi officials.
London, England (CNN) -- "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death... I assure you it is much, much more important than that."
As Bill Shankly, the legendary former manager of English club Liverpool, pointed out shortly before he passed away in 1981, the significance of the beautiful game can never be underestimated -- and that doesn't just apply to fans of the sport, either.
Soccer can affect lives on a national and international scale, inspiring revolutions and causing wars as well as having the capability to create peace and lift entire nations.
The "Football War" between Honduras and El Salvador in 1969 is perhaps the most famous example of the sport's wider implications. The two Central American nations famously came to blows following their qualification match for the 1970 World Cup.
Pedro Pinto's World Cup predictions
But this wasn't the first time, and definitely won't be the last, that the worlds of football and politics collide with remarkable results.
1. Mussolini manipulates the "man in black," 1934
"Il Duce" was determined to use this World Cup on home soil to showcase his fascist Italy. Mussolini had his own trophy created for the event -- the Coppa Del Duce -- which was six times the size of the Jules Rimet, and to this day allegations remain the tournament was fixed so that only Italy would collect it.
According to the BBC's "World Cup Stories" book by Chris Hunt, there were suggestions that the Italian dictator himself picked the referees. In the semifinal against Austria, Mussolini's Azzurri team won 2-1, but after the game their opponents complained the game was fixed.
The World Cup's missing men
"The referee even played for them," said Austrian striker Josef Bican. "When I passed for the ball out to the right wing, one of our players, Cicek, ran for it and the referee headed it back to the Italians. It was unbelievable."
2. Austrian star humiliates Nazis, 1938
Austria had one of the game's greatest sides in the 1930s, but when the Nazis annexed their neighbors, the nation's "Wunderteam" were forced to withdraw from the World Cup and merge with Germany.
Star striker Matthias Sindelar so opposed his nation's loss of independence that he refused to play for Germany. He pleaded old age, but Germany's manager Sepp Herberger would later recall: "I almost had the impression that discomfort and rejection, linked to the political developments, had prompted his refusal."
Who will be the World Cup's best player?
During a so-called "Reconciliation Game" to mark the merging of the two sides, Sindelar made his feelings quite clear in a 2-0 win for Austria. According to German historian Nils Havemann's book"Fussball unterm Hakenkreuz," the center-forward scored his beloved country's first and then, when the second goal went in, he danced in celebration in front of Nazi officials.
In 1939, Sindelar and his girlfriend were killed in his apartment by a gas leak. Controversy still reigns over whether it was murder or suicide -- or just an accident.
3. Algerians play for independence, 1958
Halfway through Algeria's War of Independence, the French national team called up a handful of Algerians playing in the French soccer league for the World Cup in Sweden.
Given the chance of glory, fame and fortune, the players chose national identity instead. Rather than attend a pre-tournament friendly against Switzerland, they decided to flee France, gather at the headquarters of the Front Liberation National in Tunisia and launch an "illegal" national team, risking arrest for desertion in the process.
Rachid Maflouki had won the French championship with Saint Etienne before getting the call from Les Bleus, but decided there were more important matters at stake than his personal success.
"I didn't hesitate," he told Ian Hawkey, author of "Feet of the Chameleon."
"Okay, I would have to give up my club. And yes, I was thinking about the World Cup, but what did that count for in comparison with my country's independence?"
4. Zaire players crack under Presidential pressure, 1974
It's remembered as one of the World Cup's funniest moments, but the truth is much darker. Already 3-0 down and facing a Brazilian free-kick, Zaire's right-back Ilunga Mwepu seemingly forgot the rules of the game, charged at the ball and hoofed it away before the whistle had even been blown.
The Leopards, the first sub-Saharan African nation to reach the finals, had already been humiliated 9-0 by Yugoslavia before losing 2-0 to Scotland, and were told by President Mobutu's henchmen that if they lost to Brazil by more than three goals they wouldn't be allowed to return home.
"Do you think I'd deliberately make myself look like an idiot? You have to remember we were playing for our lives," he said in the book"Death or Glory, the Dark History of the World Cup" by Jon Spurling.
Mwepu's act of "madness," it turns out, was in fact a very sane attempt to waste time.
5. The German nation divided, 1974
East Germany versus West at the 1974 World Cup was perhaps the most politically-charged match of all time. After the Second World War, the divided nation had become the main arena for the Cold War, and this fixture in Hamburg represented a head-to-head between the two ideologies.
Although the game was actually the last in the group and it had become clear that both teams would qualify from the group stage, that did not diminish the tension surrounding the clash.
With home advantage, European champions West Germany were favorites but it was the East German Jurgen Sparwasser who scored the only goal of the game.
East Germany heralded their triumph, but the victory was rendered a little hollow after they were knocked out in the next round and their bitter rivals went on to win the tournament.
6. Argentine junta swaps grain for glory, 1978
Argentina's junta, which had seized power just a couple of years earlier, was determined to use the World Cup it was hosting as propaganda for the regime.
According to a 1986 article by journalist Maria Laura Avignolo of Britain's Sunday Times, and supported by David Yallop in his book "How They Stole the Game," the junta used bribery and intimidation to help win the cup.
In the group stages, Argentina needed to beat Peru by four goals in their last game to progress. General Jorge Videla made a timely pre-match visit to the Peruvian dressing-room to talk to the players about "Latin American unity" before the host nation rattled six past a side that had previously held eventual finalists Holland to a goalless draw.
Avignolo claimed that in the weeks following the Peru game, an impromptu cargo of 35,000 tonnes of wheat left Argentina for Lima and that the military regime issued an interest-free loan of $50 million to the Peruvian government.
7. Iran's football revolution, 1998
They may have been two of the least significant footballing sides at France '98, but nevertheless this fixture caught the world's imagination because Iran and the United States had been at loggerheads since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
Although political relations were strained, the clash of civilizations never quite happened on the pitch. Instead, both sides showed the utmost respect, swapping flowers, gifts and photographs before the kick-off.
The Iranians won 2-1, but, celebrations back home had a destabilizing effect as hundreds of thousands of young people, including women, partied in the streets in defiance of government warnings.
"In my neighborhood everybody goes out into the streets," one young Iranian told the BBC's Jim Muir. "It's a good excuse for boys and girls to mix, and in a way it's political, because it's a demand for social change."
8. Germany enjoys "Partyotism," 2006
The tournament slogan "A time to make friends" pretty much said it all. The organizers of Germany 2006 set out to woo the world, and in the process the country learned to love themselves.
A combination of a flawless summer and coach Jurgen Klinsmann's flee-flowing football injected a feel-good factor back into the national psyche, and Germans realized they could enjoy patriotism again -- or as the local media billed it, "partyotism."
"In the space of one month, Klinsmann managed to bring together a society ashamed of displays of nationalism and still divided along East-West lines, turning Germany into a nation of face-painting, flag-waving patriots," Hunt said in his "World Cup Stories" book.
"Never mind the final," Britain's The Times newspaper wrote. "Germans are the real World Cup winners."
9. The Koreas refuse to play nicely, 2008
North and South Korea both successfully managed to qualify for South Africa 2010, but there were plenty of bad-tempered squabbles along the way.
The bickering got so bad that world governing body FIFA eventually had to intervene after North Korea announced it would not let the South play its national anthem or wave its flag on their territory.
So determined were the North Koreans that they were even prepared to play their "home" game abroad. In the end, the fixture took place in Shanghai, where the North Korean coach complained that their rivals had poisoned their food.
In a statement about the match, the North's football association said: "It was beyond all doubt that the incident was a product of a deliberate act perpetrated by adulterated foodstuff as [the players] could not get up all of a sudden just before the match."
According to a report by the BBC, the South's soccer federation -- Korea Football Association -- said a sports doctor had examined the North Korean players and found no serious problem.
10. Football diplomacy between old enemies, 2008-09
Serious sport is war minus the shooting, remarked English author George Orwell. So it was refreshing last year when Armenia and Turkey used the beautiful game to make peace.
The leaders of the two countries met up to watch a World Cup qualifier between their nations after almost a century of bitterness following the killing of hundreds of thousands of Armenians by Turks during World War One.
Turkish President Abdullah Gul attended the initial game in Armenia in 2008, which the hosts lost 2-0, and his counterpart Serzh Sarkisian agreed to join him for the return fixture the following year for further thawing of diplomatic relations.
No doubt the fact that neither side had a chance of qualifying for South Africa helped keep things civil.
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